Some of you may have noticed that some of the commands from Opus v4.x are
missing from Opus v5.x.
While there really is no need for some of these commands in Opus v5, some
users have decided they couldn't live without them and have created scripts
that emulate these commands.
Below is a list of the Opus v4 internal and ARexx commands, together with
their equivalent in Opus v5. The commands in the Opus v4 column in white are
the ARexx commands that were available in v4.
Directory Opus V4 Directory Opus V5
AbortPrint Available from the Print requester .
About Menu - Opus About
AddCustEntry lister addstem
AddCustHandler lister set handler
AddFile lister add
lister addstem
AddIcon AddIcon
Alarm Alarm
All All
AnsiRead AnsiRead
dopus read
ARexx Can be selected via the Function Editor .
Assign Assign
Beep Beep
BufferList CacheList
Busy lister set busy
Now that the listers go busy, there is
really no need to busy the pointer.
Remember Opus v5 is fully multitasking
and multithreading.
ButtonIconify Available through each button banks
popup menu.
CheckAbort dopus progress
lister query abort
CheckFit CheckFit
ClearBuffers FreeCaches
lister clearcaches
ClearSizes ClearSizes
ClearWin lister clear
Clone Duplicate
Comment Comment
Configure All settings are available through the
Settings menu.
Copy Copy
CopyAs CopyAs
CopyWindow A script to emulate this function
lister copy
DateStamp DateStamp
Defaults You can load any environment through
the Environment Editor .
Delete Delete
DirTree Listers do not support displaying
directories as a tree, but there is no
reason why you could not write a script
or module to do it :)
DiskCopy DiskCopy
DiskCopyBG No longer required because the DiskCopy
process multitasks.
DiskInfo DiskInfo
DisplayDir ScanDir
lister refresh
DOpusToBack dopus back
DOpusToFront dopus front
Encrypt Encrypt
Execute Can be selected via the Function Editor.
FileInfo lister query entry
FinishSection FinishSection
Format Format
FormatBG No longer required because the Format
process multitasks.
GetAll lister query entries
GetDevices DeviceList
GetDirs lister query dirs
GetEntry lister query entry
GetFileType dopus getfiletype
GetFiles lister query files
GetNextSelected lister query firstsel
GetSelectedAll lister query selentries
GetSelectedDirs lister query seldirs
GetSelectedFiles lister query selfiles
GetSizes GetSizes
Help Simply press the Help key, or use the
Opus - Help! menu item.
HexRead Read
dopus read
Hunt FindFile
Iconify Hide
IconInfo IconInfo
Install Available through the Format process.
InstallBG Available through the Format process.
LastSaved Available through the Environment Editor .
LoadConfig LoadEnvironment
MakeDir MakeDir
Modify Modify items using the Environment Editor
then choose Use.
Move Move
MoveAs MoveAs
NextDrives DeviceList
None None
OtherWindow Since you are not restricted to two
windows like v4, there is no equivalent
to this function. The easiest way to
swap listers is to activate them with the
Parent Parent
Play Play
PlayST Play will handle some formats but
it is better to use a dedicated module
player like DeliTracker, etc using
Print Print
PrintDir PrintDir
Protect Protect
Query lister query
Quit Quit
Read Read
dopus read
Redraw Use the Icons - Reset menuitem, to redraw
Opus' Desktop.
Relabel Rename
RemoveEntry lister remove
RemoveFile lister remove
Rename Rename
Request dopus request
dopus getstring
lister request
lister getstring
Rescan ReReadDir
Reselect ReSelect
Root Root
Run Run
SaveConfig Available through the Environment Editor .
ScanDir ScanDir
ScrollToShow You can scroll the listers while
operations are happening.
Search Search
Select Select
SelectEntry lister select
SelectFile lister select
SetWinTitle lister set title
Show Show
SmartRead SmartRead
Status lister query
lister set
StopST The Play command provides an abort
button to end playing, provided you haven't
used the QUIET switch.
SwapWindow A script to emulate this function
TechSupport Read the manual!
Toggle Toggle
TopText lister set header
lister set title
Uniconify Reveal
User1 - User4 User
Verify Confirm
Version dopus version